Governmental Affairs

ADDP is a strong advocate for human service providers and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and brain injuries on both the state and federal level through many public policy and budget initiatives. ADDP has championed many issues and fought for resources so that human service providers can continue to provide the best services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and for individuals who have brain injuries.

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Rate Regulation and RFRs

DDS Family Support Services – 2021 RFR:

BID SOLICITATION NUMBER: BD-21-1023-1023C-1023L-54038

BID SOLICITATION DESCRIPTION: Family Support Services 2021

BID SOLICITATION OPENING DATE: 10/02/2020 by 05:00:00 PM

DDS Pre-engagement/Coaching and College Navigation Services: Due on April 20, 2020.

DDS Emergency Stabilization Residential Services:

BID SOLICITATION NUMBER: BD-20-1023-1023C-1023L-48625

BID SOLICITATION DESCRIPTION: Emergency Stabilization Residential 2021


Upcoming Hearings

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